2022.2.26 (SAT) >>>
2022.3.12 (SAT)
Zettai-Mu "ORIGINS"

大阪府のまん延措置・時短要請期間に延期に伴い、POSTPONED 延期 になります。
延期日程は 3/12(土)になっています。皆さま日程のキープお願いします。

KURANAKA a.k.a 1945
[ 30th Anniversary Historic Set ] (Zettai-Mu)


(Vomitspit) from OKAYAMA

(Booty Tune Records/Exit Records/Tekk DJ'z Crew)

ntank (MAVE)


HARUKI / ランプ (sabato)
Vis (PAL.Sounds) / Somae'369
PACONE and more..


and YOU !!!

info tel: 06-6373-4919
ADDRESS: 大阪市北区中崎西3-3-8 JR京都線高架下

ENTRANCE. ADV. 1,500yen
DOOR. 2,000yen
UNDER 23. 1,500yen
※ 入場時に1DRINKチケットご購入お願い致します。
※ 緊急事態・まん延措置・時短要請の場合は延期の予定です。



※ マスクをお持ちでない方はエントランスにてご購入をお願いいたします。

※ 以下のお客様はご来場をお控え頂きますようお願い申し上げます。
※ ワクチン接種済みの方も、検査陰性の方も同様にお願いいたします。
・体調がすぐれないお客様 ・発熱や咳、くしゃみや鼻水など風邪の症状がある方
・ 60歳以上のご高齢の方のご入店をお断りいたします。

その他、必ず会場 WEB SITE : を参照下さい。

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KURANAKA a.k.a 1945

Born in Kyoto, Japan. He is a descendant of the temples of the one of the most famous Buddhist monk in Japan history, the initiator of the Buddhist incantation chanting, drumbeating, and dancing (origin of the Bon festival dance).
 He makes full use of his 11 faces and 1000 arms to continue to be the beacon of peace and revolution, from his underground performances in Japan. His riddim to be combined with his open minded instruments that build-up upon, the Super heavyweight bass that goes back and forth with the whole body, with dub effects that of a beast, letting the floor dance madly with joy.  He is a Dub. Jungle and Sound system music pioneer who has been the undisputed leader in the genres for about 30 years. He has performed at over 2000 gigs, and has organized more than 500 Dances until now. He has organized w famous and important Dance in Japan "Zettai-Mu" began in 1995 (Bay Side Jenny, Namura Shipbuilding, Noon, Liquidroom, Unit, Yellow, Eleven, AIR, Rockets, Motherhall, Quatro, Circus, Open Air and more) it will be 25th anniversary 2020!! and then "Outlook Festival Japan" (ageHa Studio Coast, Sound Museum Vision and more) also "Exodus Island " "A Taste Of Sonar (its first time in Asia Sonar Festival)" "International Dub Gathering Jahpan" as well. He performs about 100 gigs a year for more than 25 years, and tour pilgrimages more than 50 times including Japan, Asia, UK, Europe , British London, Spain "International Dub Gathering" "Outlook Festival" and then active in the Asian countries including Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Korea, Taiwan, the Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand etc in recent years. and also He did use Sound System for Bass music first time in japan.
 Kuranaka (a.k.a 1945) also has been hugely successful with festival appearances throughout Japan, such as the Fuji Rock Festival, Rainbow 2000, Asagiri jam, Metamorphose, Earth Dance, Saturn, Dommune, Nagisa, Mai Music Festival , Outlook Festival and Sonar Festival. such as art museums (Yokohama Art Museum , Kyoto Museum of Art , London ICA etc), the Valley and seaside, Club Hall of city, the Gap of Building and the top of Desk, and the Your Ears.
and then He declined the offer of contract from many major label of japan also world. chose this way staying normal.
 Kuranaka has also toured Japan with Dub Reggaes such as Lee perry, Jah shaka , Aba shanti-i , Mad professor , Zion Train , Adrian Sherwood , Dennis Bovell etc. then Drum and Bass / Jungles such as Roni size Reprazent, Congo Natty, Shy fx, Andy C and many. More then he play with Daftpunk , James Blake , Darren Emarson Underworld , Ash Ra Tempel , Atari Teenage Riot and many more in First visit japan show. he also Performed Flyng Lotus , Battles , The Orb , Smith&Mighty , Cold cut Ninja Tune etc. ofcouse he also with Japanese Acts such as Boredoms, Dj Krush , Audio Active , Tha Blue Herb , Dry&Heavy , Oki dub ainu , Goma , Goth-trad and many more.
 He perform live set with "Kazufumi Kodama" of Japanese reggae originator from Mute Beat. also Didgeridoo player "Goma" and then The controversial product "the Constitution of Japan" developed by a combination with "Shing02" for two International Art Festival (Yokohama Triennale, Kyoto Parasophia) It was created and released for one year.
 He also creates and plays music with Heavy (Dry&Heavy, Rebel Familia), Ao (Dry&heavy), Goma (didgeridoo), Coba (Accordion), NHK Koyxen, E-da(ex.Boredoms), Iccihie (ex.Determinations) , Tokona-x etc. He released (suchas) DJ Spooky , DJ Vadim also The Bug as the name of "MOU", which is the pioneer Future Beat Music "Electlic Lady Land" from the well-known German's "Mille PlateauxI" Moreover, as the name of "Kuranaka", he attended compilation of "Kyogen" with Calm, Shing02 and so on. Furthermore, as the name of "1945", he released featuring alongside ex-Dry&Heavy's bassist, "Akimoto Heavy Takeshi". also released Mixs called "TIGHT" from "Entotsu Recordings". He(and his Live CDs) amassed the sold out sales including all the titles. As a remixer, he sends deep world, dissembles and reconstructs masterpieces done by On-U Sound (UK) Audio Active , Rebel Familia, Churashima Navigator, Original Love, Jun-Gold (Tha Blue Herb Recordings) and so on. The strong beats with the message is down to earth and very sensitive but mighty sense of "Past", "Now", and "Future". We are fighting against the monsters of our own creation. Remember 1945, Peace one love Harmonic future !!
 Japanese written "クラナカ" also his name in long time ago. and then "The Kaoss Pad" used habitually all over the world is.. Delay, Reverbe, Siren.. It was developed by him. and the his model "Siren Machine" thats using Mala (Digital Mystikz) also The Bug etc.  The message carried out from his strong beat, reaches those of whom both legs are grounded to our earth, is delicate, yet, powerful.. the 21st century taiko drummer, waves his flag to peace and love for a harmonic future. Somewhere, now today.

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2001年、秋本"Heavy"武士とともにREBEL FAMILIAを結成。"METMORPHOSE"でのデビューライブを皮切りに、Fuji Rock Festivalなど多くの国内フェスに出演。 2007年までに5枚のシングル、3枚のアルバムをリリースする。 ソロとしては、2003年に1stアルバム『GOTH-TRAD I』を発表。国内でソロ活動を本格的にスタートし、積極的に海外ツアーも始める。2005年には、自作楽器・エフェクターを駆使した、実験的な2ndアルバム『The Inverted Perspective』をリリース。同年11月にはMad Raveと称した新たなダンス・ミュージックへのアプローチを打ち出し、3rdアルバム『Mad Raver's Dance Floor』を発表。
『Mad Raver's Dance Floor』に収録されたタイトル「Back To Chill」が、ロンドンのDUBSTEPシーンで話題となり、2007年にUKのSKUD BEATから『Back To Chill EP』を、DEEP MEDi MUSIKから12"『Cut End/Flags』をリリース。8カ国に及ぶヨーロッパツアーの中では、ロンドンの伝説的パーティー"DMZ"にライブセットで出演し、地元オーディエンスを沸かした。以降、海外を中心にリリースを続け、ヨーロッパ、南北アメリカ、オセアニア等、毎年、世界中でコンスタントにツアーを重ねる。2012年には待望のアルバム『New Epoch』をDEEP MEDi MUSIKからリリースし、Fuji Rock Festival 2012に出演。2009年~2014年にかけて、数々の欧米のフェスティバルにも出演してきた。 2015年、再びダブプレートのカットを始め、完全にVinyl OnlyのDJスタイルにシフトする。
アンダーグラウンドシーンで注目を集めるノイズコアバンド"ENDON"のリミックスを手がけ、5月にMerzbowのリミックスとのスプリット12"が、Daymare Recordingsよりリリースされる。12月には、日本が世界に誇るバンド"Boris"とのコラボレーションイベント"Low End Meeting"を代官山UNITにて開催し、共作"DEADSONG"を披露。 サウンドシステムを導入した、超重低音かつ実験的なアプローチのライブが話題となった。
2006年より始動した自身のパーティー"Back To Chill"は、2014年11月にREDBULL MUSIC ACADEMY TOKYOとスペシャルイベントを開催し、Back To Chillレーベルとして初となるコンピレーション"MUGEN"をリリースする。 記念すべきBack To Chill10周年を迎えた2016年、Boris、Dalekとの共作を収めた4thアルバム"PSIONICS"のリミテッド・ダブプレートバージョンを、特別会員限定でリリース。2017年4月には、台北のKornerにて、Back To Chill初の海外公演を開催した。
2018年9月、ヴォーカリスト"Diesuck"とノイズアーティスト"Masayuki Imanishi"と共に2017年に結成した新ユニット"EARTAKER"の1stデビューアルバム"HARMONICS"が、U.A.E.の気鋭レーベル"Bedouin Records"よりリリースされ、その新たなサウンドに注目が集まる。

A unique producer with a unique style, Goth-Trad has emerged from the Japanese electronic scene in the last decade as one of the most arresting artists from his generation. ‘The Sound Originator,’ Goth-Trad creates remarkable dance music with an abstract approach. Goth-Trad’s music career started in 1998. He soon formed Rebel Familia in 2001 with Takeshi ‘Heavy’ Akimoto (ex-member of Dry & Heavy) while continuing to work on his own. From abstract electronica to noise, from dub and reggae to jungle and rave music, grime to dubstep, Goth-Trad has always experimented and in the process developed his own unique style: blending influences and delivering music that is constantly evolving.
Between 2001 and 2004 Goth-Trad grew his notoriety on the Tokyo underground and went on his first European tour. He also released his first album, Goth-Trad I, and opened for The Mars Volta during their 2004 Japanese tour. His second album was released in January 2005, titled The Inverted Perspective it focused on the improvisational live style he had been developing in previous years and which he would continue to refine to this day. In March he played in Korea and in the summer established a new style called Mad Rave. ‘Mad Rave’ is Goth-Trad’s own take on dance music, refined and musically distilled through years of work.
This led to his third album, Mad Raver’s Dance Floor released in November 2005. Over 10 tracks the album condenses more than 10 years of dance music into an amalgamation of styles which flows seamlessly. The release tour for the album travelled to Berlin, Paris, Metz, London and 8 Japanese cities.
It was with this third album that Goth-Trad would finally break into the international market during 2006 thanks primarily to one track − Back To Chill − which would soon become synonymous with the Japanese dubstep scene. Inspired by the grime sounds he’d heard in London in previous years, Back To Chill also became the name of Goth-Trad’s monthly dubstep night in Tokyo − set up in 2006 − and saw a release on the UK label Skud Beats, his first official single on a non-Japanese label. At the same time Goth-Trad embarked on his fourth European tour, where he met with dubstep pioneer Mala from Digital Mystikz, at the seminal dubstep night FWD>>. This meeting led to Goth-Trad being signed to Mala’s Deep Medi Musik label and become a fixture of the international dubstep scene, which from 2006 onwards grew at an exponential rate and Goth-Trad soon became one of the genre’s most recognised and loved international artists.
From 2007 onwards Goth-Trad received increased support, respect and interest from across the dubstep and electronica scenes worldwide with people like The Bug, Kode 9, Blackdown, Juju and Skream all playing his music and sharing stages with him. Mary Ann Hobbs was also an early supporter on her Breezeblock show on BBC Radio 1.
Goth-Trad released his first 12” single for Deep Medi Musik in 2007, Cut End. That same year he also released a new Rebel Familia album, includ- ing collaborations with legends Arie Up and Max Romeo. He continued to tour extensively in Japan as well as starting more regular European tours where he appeared at the legendary DMZ dances among others. His eclectic and varied live show made him a firm favourite of European audiences and he has toured Europe every year since 2007.
In 2008 he released singles on both Skud Beats and Soul Jazz Records and for the first time he toured China in April. At the same time he continued to grow the Back To Chill nights in Tokyo providing a platform for the burgeoning Japanese dubstep scene. Over the coming years the night would see new Japanese talent added to the resident line up and play host to both local and international guests.
From 2009 to 2011 Goth-Trad continued to tour in Europe, Japan and Asia and released singles on Deep Medi Musik as well as remixes for European and Japanese artists leading to the Babylon Fall EP in late 2011, the precursor to New Epoch his fourth album. New Epoch was released on Deep Medi in early 2012 and marked Goth-Trad as one of the most important voices in dubstep. The album received praise from around the world with the UK’s FACT Magazine heralding it as one of the best dubstep albums of the year.
With New Epoch marking yet another milestone in Goth-Trad’s career, the Japanese one-man army − as Kode 9 once referred to him − is set to continue on his unique path. Always charting new territories while staying true to what motivates him: making good and honest music that reflects the world around him.
After the release of New Epoch, Goth-Trad embarked on his worldwide tour across Europe, US and Asia including many Festivals such as Coachella, Fuji Rock, Outlook Festival, and Lockdown (Natherlands) to name a few. During the tour Goth-Trad was involved with various projects including the Dubspot workshop in New York and a project in Japan called “Z-Machines”, where he was asked to produce a piece of music for the first ever Robot Band. In the UK Fabric, invited him to play and also asked Goth-Trad to provide a mix for the event, around this time Goth-Trad was asked to remix Danny Scrilla and Lea Lea, Goth Trad showed his new direction on both remixes, especially “Lea Lea − Black Or White (Goth-Trad Remix)“ awarded 3rd place on XLR8R’s Best of 2013 : Top Downloads.
Alongside producing and touring, Goth-Trad still runs Japan’s most famous bass driven club night, Back To Chill in Tokyo city every month, inviting the newest local producers to play alongside the scene’s for runners such as The Bug and Kode9.
Not only do Goth-Trad and his team organize and curate the event with cutting edge, stunning visuals but Goth-Trad also provides the sound pressure with his very own soundsystem. In 2014 he collaborated with Red Bull Music Academy Tokyo for “Back To Chill − A Red Bull Music Academy Special Party” which invited American sludge metal band “The Body”. In November 2014, he started his own Back To Chill label.
In 2015, GOTH-TRAD found a dubplate cutting studio “Was Alchemy” near his house, and he restarted cutting dubplates. As can be seen from his approach like the remix for Japanese noise core band “ENDON” and a collaboration with Heavy Rock Band “Boris”, his music was becoming more alternative. In 2016, his Back To Chill night had the 10th Anniversary, and he released very limited Dubplate & USB digital album “PSIONICS”. He featured “Boris” and American Experimental Hiphop MC “Da¨lek” on the limited dubplate.

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大阪を拠点に活動。レーベル〈Booty Tune〉主催。2014年に発表したEP『My Mind Beats』は、米国の音楽メディア『Rolling Stone』年間チャートに選出。ポーランドの『UNSOUND FESTIVAL 2016』出演。2019年、dBridge主催レーベルEXIT Recordsより “Before The Storm EP” をリリース。
シカゴのジューク・フットワークサウンドを、自身のルーツであるミニマルテクノ的な感性でミックス。また、CRZKNYとのプロジェクト〈Theater 1〉や、Skip Club Orchestraらとの〈Draping〉等、160BPMに拘りながら日本発進の独自スタイルを追求している。

Footwork/Juke DJ and Track Maker. from Osaka Japan
DJ/track maker DJ Fulltono comes from the Kansai region, Japan. He runs a label “Booty Tune”. Host of a party “SOMETHINN”. A prolific writer of Juke/Footwork for international medias. Based in Juke / Footwork , his voracious style includes Ghettotech, Electro, Chicago House, and so on. He provides Planet Mu and Hyperdub with privilege DJ MIX CDs. In the mix for Concept Radio, a Spanish web magazine, He pursues Techno-style Juke. In May 2015, he released his 6th EP “My Mind Beat Vol.02. The first one,”My mind beats vol.1”was selected ““20 Best EDM and Electronic Albums of 2015” by the media in US ” Rolling stone ” and that obtained an evaluation from the fan in the world.

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Producer/DJとして活動。 Dubstepを中心に楽曲制作を開始。現在Dub/BassMusic/HipHopからの影響を経過し、独自のビートへのアプローチを深めた楽曲を作成している。また、オリジナル楽曲を中心としたパフォーマンスも行っている。 これまでに"ZamZam Sounds","Saturate Records","Deep,Dark & Dangerous"などのレーベルより楽曲をリリースしており、Truthなど多数のアーティストの楽曲のRemixも手掛けている。また、東海喰種やARKHAMなどのアーティストや映像作品にむけた楽曲提供・共同制作も行う。 DJとしては、国内外問わず公演を行っており、The Star Festival(京都)やOutlook Festival(クロアチア)といったフェスティバルにも出演する。また様々なDJによるサポートを受け、世界中のクラブやDJ MIX、BBC Radio1やRinseFMなどのラジオ放送でも楽曲がプレーされている。 2018年より日本人Producer Karnageと開始したレーベル"Vomitspit"よりBASS MUSIC/ABSTRACTに焦点を当てた楽曲のリリースも行う。 今後もリリース、公演を予定している。

Producer/DJ from Japan. Dayzero started to make tunes and play DJ with his original tunes in 2014. He has been releasing from many labels like "ZamZam Sounds""Sentry Records","Deep,Dark and Dangerous"and more since 2015. His production has been supported by many djs and radio station like RinseFM,Radio1 and more. He started label called "Vomitspit" with Karnage,japanese producer,from 2018 He has many releases and gigs planned in the future.

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2000年さいたま市生まれ、京都在住。 自身のパーティMAVEを京都West Harlemにて主宰。日本各地からゲストを招聘し、ダンスミュージックを主軸にバラエティあるパーティとなっている。 様々なジャンルを横断しながら自由に駆け抜けるプレイを得意としている。 また、大阪や神戸等の関西圏だけでなく名古屋や、東京など様々なエリアにてプレイを重ねている。

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